Overview about the article:
This article is on the topic ” USPS collect on Delivery Service”. This service is one of the famous service provided by USPS. If you are one of those people who are looking for detailed Information about this service, Then you are the right place.
Here you will find different topics which you need to now about ” USPS collect on Delivery Service”. We will suggest you to read the whole article carefully to properly understand the concept.
What is USPS Collect on Delivery:
This service is of most importance to senders of the package. Through this service, Senders can collect the money from the address at the time of delivery of the product. Senders ask USPS to collect the consideration amount on their behalf. If the payment is made via check, USPS forwards it to you. And in case the fee is in the cash mode, you will be sent a USPS money order equivalent to the value of the amount.
While using this service, the sender can’t collect more than 1000$ at the time of delivery.
How to use USPS Collect on Delivery Service:
If a sender wishes to avail this service, then first he needs to fill FORM 3816 and attach it with a correct filled format. After the form filling is done, They submit the form at the USPS Counter.
For using this service, The receiver needs to place the order in the first place. When all the necessary documentation is done and the order is successfully placed, then you can avail of this service.
Different USPS Services which can use Collect on delivery Service:
With Collect on Delivery service, customers can further purchase other services such as return receipt or restricted delivery. It totally depends on them what service they opt to choose. Here are additional services which can be combined with COD.
• USPS Priority Mail Express service
• First-Class Mail
• Priority Mail
• Parcel Select
• Media Mail
• USPS Registered Mail service
• Restricted Delivery (plus Certified Mail)
• Return Receipt
• Delivery Confirmation
• Signature confirmation
USPS Form 3816 Sample:
If you are wondering how the Form 3816 of USPS looks like, Then look at the sample below, The sample is the latest that is currently in use by USPS.

We hope the concept of USPS collects on Delivery Service is clear to you and the article was up to your expectations. If you liked our article, Then you can let us know by commenting in the comment box and sharing your experience with us. If you have any further query, Feel free to reach us anytime. We are happy to assist you with your query.